2024 Local Elections
LCEA PAC Endorsement

The LCEA PAC reviewed the candidate questionnaires, candidate interview notes and has shared this information with members via zoom on July 25th. As a result, the membership voted to endorse Mollie Cunningham for School Board District 4. See the questionnaires.
Statewide Elections

Educators need to share their stories. We encourage you to attend this event on August 22nd to speak with your state lawmakers.
2023 Legislative Session Summary
LCEA members are activists. They share their stories and they speak up.
During the 2022 Florida Legislative Session over 200 contacts were made by LCEA members to state lawmakers in the form of emails, calls, speeches during committees, and in person meetings.

Legislative Session:
March 7th - May 5th - 2023 Florida Legislative Session
We are looking for members interested in going to Tallahassee or meet here locally with elected officials. If you are willing to share your story as an educator CLICK HERE.
What to expect for the 2023 Legislative Session
CLICK HERE for FEA’s solutions
CLICK HERE for FEA’s Legislative Focus

The 2022 Florida Legislative session has ended.
Click to see the FEA Legislative page for what bills were filed.

Advocacy Opportunities:
LCEA Republican Cadre: CLICK HERE for more information
LCEA Lobbying & Advocacy Committee: CLICK HERE to sign up
Speaking Up:
Lake County Educators speaking at the School Board meeting on November 8th, 2021. For more information see our advocacy page.

To speak at a meeting fill out a public input card located at the entrance to the Board meeting room and submit to the Board Clerk before the start of the meeting. Speakers will be given 3 minutes to address the Board during the beginning of the Meeting or Workshop.
The following seats are up for re-election November 2022:
District 1
District 3
District 5
Lake County School Board
Meetings are on Mondays. Workshops generally start around 9 A.M. & Board Meetings are at 6 P.M.
Meetings and Workshops can be viewed through YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/lakeschools or you can attend in person at the Lake County School District Office, 201 West Burleigh Boulevard, Tavares, Florida.
Contact Information for your school board & district leadership:
District 1: Bill Mathias, mathiasb@lake.k12.fl.us
District 2: Tyler Brandenburg, brandeburgt@lake.k12.fl.us
District 3: Marc Dodd, doddm@lake.k12.fl.us
District 4: Mollie Cunningham, cunninghamm@lake.k12.fl.us
District 5: Stephanie Luke, lukes@lake.k12.fl.us
Superintendent: Diane Kornegay, KornegayD@lake.k12.fl.us
For more information see the Lake County school Board Website: https://www.lake.k12.fl.us/school-board
Florida State Senate
Florida legislature
Regular Session 2022
March 7th - May 5th - 2023 Florida
Contact Information:
Dennis Baxley (R), Florida State Senate District 13 (850) 487-5012 Senate VOIP: 5012, baxley.dennis.web@flsenate.gov
District Office (352) 750-3133, Senate VOIP 41200
Legislative Aide: Matthew McClain, mcclain.matthew@flsenate.gov

Florida House of Representatives
Florida legislature
Regular Session 2023
March 7th - May 5th - 2023 Florida
Contact information:
Taylor Yarkosky (R), Florida House of Representatives District 25
(850) 717-5025, Taylor.Yarkosky@myfloridahouse.gov
District office: (352) 989-9734
Legislative Aides: Amanda Geltz, Amanda.Geltz@myfloridahouse.gov, and Jackson Damon, Jackson.Damon@myfloridahouse.gov
Keith Truenow (R), Florida House of Representatives District 26
(850) 717-5026, keith.truenow@myfloridahouse.gov
District Office Phone: (352) 742-6275
Legislative Aide: Aline Guy, Aline.Guy@myfloridahouse.gov
Stan McClain (R), Florida House of Representatives District 27
(850) 717-5027, stan.mcclain@myfloridahouse.gov
District Office (352) 732-1313
Legislative Aides: Jennifer Treiber, Jennifer.Treiber@myfloridahouse.gov
Florida Department of Education
The FL DOE: https://www.fldoe.org/
Contact information:
Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr
Commissioner's Office Staff:
Karen Dennis
Phone: 850-245-9663
Email: Commissioner@fldoe.org
See the full leadership team under the commissioner CLICK HERE
State Board of Education Members
CLICK HERE to learn about them
Chair, Tom Grady – Tom.Grady@fldoe.org
Vice Chair, Ben Gibson – Ben.Gibson@fldoe.org
Monesia Brown – Monesia.Brown@fldoe.org
Ryan Petty – Ryan.Petty@fldoe.org
Joe York – Joe.York@fldoe.org
Esther Byrd - Esther.Byrd@fldoe.org
Grazie P. Christie - Grazie.Christie@fldoe.org

Local Elections: Past Elections
Statewide Elections