Member Resources


2023 -2024 Sponsors

Helpful information for Building Reps. & Activists can be found here.
Helpful information for members to navigate all the challenges of being a LCS educator can be found here.
Helpful Links
Click the links below:
Lake County Housing for teachers etc.
American Federation of Teachers
National Education Association
System Website
Military Certificate Fee Waivers
Click the BENEFITS links below:
Contacts & Benefits Information
American Fidelity Appointments
Union membership can save you money!
On occasion we have members who contact us and say they have financial reasons for leaving the union. You lose your benefits when you cancel. You lose all of the following: FREE College tuition, FREE PD, PAID stipends for programs, thousands saved on legal fees, insurance, restaurants, travel, shopping, etc. Keep in mind your dues are minimal compared to all the benefits you receive and if something happens that you are at risk of losing your job, your union membership will help save your income and legal fees.
There are also opportunities to make money through LCEA. We have member organizers that are paid positions and we have AFT TLP which is a professional development program with a $1500 stipend. Please reach out if you would like any more information about how union membership can save you money.

Don't let anyone take away your benefits & power!
On occasion we have members who contact us and say they are getting postcard mailers from the OptOut Campaign. This is funded by a shadowy anti-public employee organization that are spending millions of dollars to target educators in Florida. These groups are sending mailers urging LCEA members to provide personal information and to reconsider membership in our union. They are the same groups that have advocated for policies that hurt members like you such as less pay for experienced teachers and prohibiting local unions from being able to negotiate evaluations. On top of that, these groups also fought hard against a $15 minimum wage for education staff professionals. They are attacking union membership because reducing our power benefits the political agenda of their donors and politicians. They are afraid our collective power. These groups work to divide and conquer. We work to unite and build.
We have already started to see the positive outcomes of more involvement & activism here locally. See what LCEA has accomplished just this year CLICK HERE. Together, we are stronger. Together, we have the power to bring about real change. Don't let anyone take away your power.