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See updates below for what's going on with LCEA!

Bargaining Updates

LCEA and LCS are currently in negotiations
See the schedule for the next collective bargaining meetings and learn about the process. We are currently negotiating for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

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Bargaining Survey

The LCEA Bargaining Committee is preparing for LCEA/LCS contract negotiations for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please complete the General Bargaining Survey for all instructional staff to give feedback on what you would like to see negotiated.

Working Together Tour

The Lake County Education Association (LCEA) and the Lake County Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are joining together to ensure our collective bargaining rights are maintained. All LCS employees (instructional and non-instructional), and community allies are welcome to participate. Let’s work together for a better future!

We have a ratified contract!

 Teachers Ratify the 2023-2043 Teacher Contract. Whole book Contract 2022-2025
The teachers of Lake County held a Contract Ratification vote for the 2023-2024 instructional contract on Wednesday, September 6th from 7:30a.m. – 5:00p.m. During this time, a paper Contract Ratification of 1,623 ballots were cast. “I am pleased to announce that 95% of the votes were in favor of our new contract.”  Kathy Smith, LCEA President

Membership Update

LCEA exists because of our due paying members. If you have not paid dues and/or have 2 or more “not sufficient funds” you may not be eligible for representation or member benefits. Please take a few minutes to complete your eDues if you wish to stay a member of LCEA.  Please contact the LCEA office at 352-787-2050 to verify your membership status due to cancellation of membership for nonpayment of membership dues. Call 352-787-2050 to check your membership status.

We could tell you dozens of stories from just the past two years of teachers who never signed up for their union or they thought they were members. They would ask for help because they were in a situation where their certificate was at risk. It happens way more than you would think, and with all the new state laws don't put membership off.


The Lake County School Board voted on some changes to our insurance plans. One of the changes means a new plan with NO deductible and NO coinsurance which will mean savings for you and your family. Educators have expressed concerns over the cost of insurance. It has been a priority expressed by educators in our bargaining survey and by our bargaining committee.

  • LCEA has strengthened language for the insurance committee so that insurance concerns can be addressed.

  • There are 5 LCEA members and 5 SEIU members on the insurance committee as well as School District representatives.

  • We have spent hours meeting this year to try to address the fund balance deficits while also producing solutions that also reduce costs for educators. 

Become a Sponsor

We are looking for local business interested in becoming a sponsor of LCEA. Our educators have the drive and skills to change the lives of their students. They are involved locally and throughout the state to impact public education in a positive way. To continue the momentum, we want to provide our educators with everything they need to be successful as well as to celebrate them. We are looking for financial support and/or sponsorship to help cover the costs of T-shirts for our members.. Become a sponsor before August 1st!


We are switching to eDues! HB 1445/SB 256, the bill to silence the voices of union members passed and is on the Governor’s desk. This means we must transfer all members payroll deductions to FEA’s new system called “eDues“ before JULY 1, 2023, to meet the requirement set by this new law. Our goal is to transfer everyone to eDues by June 30th. Right now about 60% of our membership has converted to eDues.


The Lake County School Board voted on some changes to our insurance plans. One of the changes means a new plan with NO deductible and NO coinsurance which will mean savings for you and your family. Educators have expressed concerns over the cost of insurance. It has been a priority expressed by educators in our bargaining survey and by our bargaining committee.

  • LCEA has strengthened language for the insurance committee so that insurance concerns can be addressed.

  • There are 5 LCEA members and 5 SEIU members on the insurance committee as well as School District representatives.

  • We have spent hours meeting this year to try to address the fund balance deficits while also producing solutions that also reduce costs for educators. 


The LCEA Scholarship Committee presented THREE Scholarships at the May 8th Lake County School Board meeting. 

  • Kendra Ferguson from South Lake High School

  • Emily Westphal from South Lake High School

  • Colin Balderson from Eustis High School

New & Early Career Educators

2023 FYRE CADRE 10

LCEA is excited to begin Cadre 10 of Florida’s Young Remarkable Educators (FYRE) for the 2023 -2024 school year. FYRE is a great way to build activism, network with younger teachers, support staff, grad assistants and professors — and develop lifelong union relationships. If you would like to apply for Cadre 10, please click the link below to complete the LCEA application. Applications must be submitted by MONDAY, September 4th. 

Member Organizing

We are looking for members interested in earning some $ while helping build LCEA. LCEA is launching a organizing program to develop activist and leadership skills among our members and build the power to win the schools our students and educators deserve. You don’t have to be an activist or union officer to participate -  you just have to have the desire to be a part of creating change in your workplace and community. Apply by May 30th!

Congratulations Teachers of the Year!

Three of the four finalists for 2022 Lake County’s Teacher of the Year are pictured here: Patrick Kelly, Danielle Newton, and Courtney Stokes.




1713 South St,

Leesburg, FL 34748


LCEA staff members are in the office M-F from August - May and M-R June - July

8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M




© 2024 - Lake County Education Association (LCEA) Local 3783, FEA, NEA, AFT, AFL-CIO

LCEA respects your privacy and are committed to protecting it. We maintain strict internal policies concerning your privacy.

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