If you are interested in running for a position contact LCEA!
LCEA Building Representative positions:
In each work location in the school system, active members in good standing shall by secret ballot elect annually one Faculty Representative to the Representative Council for each twenty (20) members.
At least one such Representative shall be allowed from each work location which has active members. Where more than one such Representative is elected, one shall be designated by the members on that faculty as the Senior Faculty Representative.
Elections shall normally be held during the first two weeks in April and Representatives shall take their seats at the May meeting of the Representative Council.
Hold a worksite meeting to nominate and elect building representatives for your worksite. Also, you can and should have several reps per worksite. Remember, elections should be held anonymously as a paper ballot (or if you do an electronic google form election include LCEA Board members as collaborators on the form). A respected member who is not a nominee must count the ballots. We are scheduling leadership/Build Rep. trainings this summer for all reps & members interested in getting more involved. You must notify LCEA leadership of the official results by May 6th.
LCEA Board and Delegate positions:
Officers shall be members in good standing. They shall have been members of the Association for at least 2 years prior to February 1st of the year of the election and shall maintain their membership in good standing during their term of office. The two year requirement does not apply for delegates.
Candidates must be employed as an instructor with the Lake County School Board or be on a leave of absence.
No person who is a member of a competing organization/union shall be eligible to hold elective office in the Association.
You must be a member to vote in elections. Nominations are due 2/16/22 and 200 word essay is due 2/17/22.
Seats are 2 year terms. Terms are 2022 - 2024 for delegates, four "A" Seat Board members, Treasurer, and VP and then 2023- 2025 for delegates, four "B" Board members, Secretary, and President. “A” Board seats are 2 year terms on even years and “B” Seats are 2 years terms on odd years.
There are cut off periods and requirements for nominations to run, so be sure to reach out to your building representatives or LCEA leadership for more information.